To bring clean and abundant water to dry village communities throughout Africa.
To commune with village communities and create a platform for their varying challenges to be uniquely and authentically expressed, all whilst thoroughly researching the source and potential solutions to said challenges, such as hunger, unity, and upward economic mobility.
To introduce holistic reform programs with an aim to expand and enlighten village communities towards transformations in consciousness as it relates to their health, finances, professionalism, value perceptions, and both personal and social states of being, in order to eradicate destructive behaviours which create holistic disorder in village communities, particularly within unhealthy marital relationships and drug addicted youth groups.
To create, construct, and encourage village community welfare amongst beneficiaries by organizing them to contribute labour, as a collective, towards community development.
To introduce and strengthen cooperation, integration, talent identification, skill impartment, and business knowledge, leading to the establishment of a united economic village community force, in order to increase the standards of living for its peoples, and to create and enhance economic stability.
To refine, orchestrate, anchor, and organize policies for the overall safety of African village communities.
To establish agricultural, horticultural, and animal husbandry projects for training, environmental sustainability, and market access.
To support students with supplementary tutorship, scholarship opportunities, and holistic care, monitoring their matriculation, in order to ensure positive, holistic outcomes, without any distinction as to colour, race, creed or sex, focusing particularly on the disadvantaged, mentally handicapped, and both socially and economically marginalised groups.
To purchase a plethora of movable and immovable property for the realisation of the objects of KGOGO Arts & Gallery, and to sale, lease or transfer or otherwise utilize, develop, expand immovable assets of our entity as deemed fit.
To create media projects and digital platforms which promote and uplift village communities throughoout Africa.
To identify, engage, cooperate and work with other such like-minded organizations